Sunday 8 April 2012

Happy Easter

Yes Jesus has risen, alleluia !!!!

Happy Easter everyone hope the Easter bunny has visited I know he has been here. I will be able to post pics of the five Easter bags I made for the kids for the kids! It was a secret.

Great day planned for today.
Candice already at work
Picnic to pack .- sewing already packed
Steam train to catch , traveling to Parkes today on the steam train, very excited.

Last night I finished my swap item for my Friends with Benefits swap. I am swapping with Leanne so can't wait to send it off. My friend Kylie loves it. She wants one!

I am going to try to get some sleep before the little ones wake up.

Enjoy your day! Until next time happy. Easter

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter Simone, to you and your family, I hope you enjoy your break, I can't wait to receive my swap present from you.


Thank you so much for visiting me... Take care... Simone