Wednesday 11 September 2013

Greetings from Sydney

I write to you from my hotel room in Sydney.  I am staying at the Hyde Park Inn, I have been here since Tuesday afternoon and am heading home Thursday afternoon.

I am attending a Kindergarten - Year 6 Advisers meeting.  Representatives from all the NSW catholic dioceses are in attendance.  The meeting is being held at the Catholic Education Commission on Liverpool Street in the centre of Sydney.

I have brought along some sewing to do in the evening, when I am sick of writing the essay.


  1. I hope it is a nice place to be - even though there is no place like home.

  2. Have fun stitching while you are away. Hope the essay goes well. Hugs.....

  3. Traveling for work is never much fun. Sewing in the evening should be nice and relaxing though.


Thank you so much for visiting me... Take care... Simone