Sunday, 22 February 2015

Friday Night Sew In

How exciting it is to join up with all the ladies for a night of sewing.

I was able to finish the stitching in my natures journey blocks.

I only one to go as I am unsure about adding the year block but I think I will.

What did you get up to? Head over to Wendy's blog to find the links to the other ladies.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Very pretty blocks. Love seeing all the different versions.

  2. Hi,
    beautiful blocks.
    Lovely work and have a lovely day today

  3. You got lots of stitching done! Good for you.

  4. Beautiful blocks Simone. Love the fabrics. I thought about stitching the date block too but decided not to... made another applique square instead. Look forward to seeing more of your Natures


Thank you so much for visiting me... Take care... Simone