Saturday, 30 May 2015

Part 2 Great weekend away

Lunch was spent at Maggie Beers farm.

We attended Maggie Beers Farm cooking demonstration.

Bill thought he would be clever and stood behind the bench.

When the cook came in she asked for a volunteer. Ange and I dobbed Bill in.

Mushrooms, pumpkin and onion with verjuice and vino cotto.

All done.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. clearly by the comment by the girls in the shed this was posted on IG before you blogged it was boring news for them when I told them...........

    I was very excited about this...............

  2. So was I Chooky when it appeared on dark side!!!! Lovely to see it here as well!!

  3. You are sooo lucky! I wish we would do this but Lar's idea of cooking is "Where are we going?" L

  4. lovely pics Simone xx

  5. Sounds and looks delicious

  6. What a great weekend. Love to visit Magie Beers place. I can smell lunch from over here (WA)


Thank you so much for visiting me... Take care... Simone