Saturday 5 January 2013

Swapping Pledge

I was so pleased to see this pledge written on Cheryll's blog.  It certainly doesn't hurt to have a gentle reminder of the expectations of being a swapper. Cheryll is asking that everyone who swaps with her read this pledge and add the image to their sidebar for others to know the pledge has been read and accepted.

Thanks Cheryll.


I SIMONE HARDING will try my utmost...
·        To always swap on time.
·        To always email a THANK YOU to my partner.
·        To be considerate and thoughtful when choosing a gift.
·        To give my partner the quality of gift that I would like to receive.
·        To communicate when it’s required.
·        To NEVER over commit and let a partner down.
·        To advise the swap mama when I receive my gift.

This I sewomly pledge....


  1. Thanks Simone... every little thing that helps make a great swap experience! :)

  2. I love this pledge too Simone! It is going to be seen around quite a bit too, with so many in Cheryll's fab swaps :)


Thank you so much for visiting me... Take care... Simone