Sunday, 28 December 2014

Santa sack swap 2014

This is one post I enjoy writing.

I am always keen to see what it is the parcels sent from my partner.

This year was definitely no different to other years I was blown away with the gifts Sharon sent me.

Her hand work is Divine which explains why she chose this for her blog name.
I cannot thank Sharon enough for my parcel this year.

Sharon has used one of my favourite ranges for the Santa bag French General fabrics

I love the yo yo flowers and elongated hexagons. I love it all.

These are the gifts I opened Christmas morning.

My girls always want me to open my parcel when they are opening their gifts but I always wait until the last one is opened them I sit back and open mine.

How cute is this Wall hanging.

What can I fill this bag up with lots I am sure. A new project I am thinking.

I will certainly wear this and remember Sharon each time is on.

This little bag will be great to hold small things that get lost in my handbag.

Some tape great for a Xmas project.

I have already enjoyed the chocolates another favourite of mine.

Thank you so much Sharon for spoiling me this Christmas.

Thanks Dory for another great swap.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my blogging family.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Nice gifts. This was so much fun. I really like your elf wall hanging. It is so cute

  2. What lovely gifts Simone. I love the bag with the elongated hexies. Very pretty. But then so is everything else!

  3. Beautiful gifts Sharon made for you Simone... Love those Elves. I stitched them for my Santa Sack partner...

  4. Lots of lovely gifts there, Simone.

  5. A beautiful 'Swap Sack' of gifts Simone!

  6. Very pretty gifts Simone. I can see why you are so happy with them. Happy new Year. Hugs......

  7. Beautiful gifts Simone.....Enjoy you deserve them xx


Thank you so much for visiting me... Take care... Simone